Learn to grow forward.
Information, teachings and tips for anyone to reference during challenging times, stressful moments and difficult transitions.
How to Support Your Gen Z Child Deal With The Reality No One Prepared Us For
We’re watching a generation struggle in ways we never did—and many of us feel helpless. But new research shows your support matters more than ever. Here’s what’s really going on with Gen Z—and how you can be their anchor.
How Therapy can Help Students with School Stress and Mental Health
This week, we spoke to Student Therapist Shakela Austin, about Student Mental Health and how therapy can help students cope with student stress and their continued mental health…
Back to School Resource Guide for Parents and Students
Back to school season is upon us and whether your child is entering school for the first time or attending university, returning to school schedules and stress can be a lot to cope with. This Back to School Resource Guide helps both parents and students prepare for the year ahead…
10 Tips to Get Your Kids Feeling Good About Going Back-to-School
Back to school means many things to families as they prepare their kids for the school year ahead. Often, this sets the routine and expectations for the next ten months. There are some worries or fears that can come along. This list is designed to support you and your family to ensure everyone feels supported, prepared, and excited for September!
The Current State of Teen Mental Health
Let’s break down the facts about teen mental health, and how parents can help support their kids to be healthier and happier…
The Negative Effects of Social Media on Teens
These days, it's difficult for any teenager to fathom their life without social media. But there are potential risks and consequences of social media parents should of teens should know…
Having Trouble Connecting with your Teen?
How do you get your teen to open up to you? Here are 7 emotionally bonding questions you can ask to strengthen the relationship with your teenager.
How to Talk to Your Kids About Money
Here are some family-friendly and digestible ways to bring up the topic of money for kids of all ages to understand. The sooner you have these conversations, the faster they can learn to create healthy money habits.
How to Talk to Your Tweens and Teens About Their Mental Health
Many mental health problems start during these teen years, but unfortunately, many don’t receive the support they need immediately. However, who can connect with a caring adult for help not only feel better, they do better as well.
The Importance of Teaching Self-Love to Your Kids
The word “love” gets thrown around so much but we need to make sure that children have a clear grasp of the meaning of love and that true love begins with themselves. Here’s how…
Is it Anxiety or Typical Kid Behaviour?
This week we are talking to registered Social Worker, Kate Brockbank about Anxiety in Children, Pre-teens and Youth. This week, Kate will help us recognize whether or not what we’re seeing in our kids is anxiety or typical behaviour.
Dispelling Myths about Child Mental Health
This week we are talking to registered Social Worker, Kate Brockbank about Dispelling Myths about Child Mental Health. Many of us hold certain outlooks surrounding mental health, whether we are aware of them or not. This week, Kate challenged some of those beliefs.
How to Recognize Signs of Mental Illness in Children and Adolescents
Mental illness can distort a child’s perception of reality, how they handle conflict, how they deal with their emotions and; emotional responses. When this negative behavior becomes consistent, stronger, and inhibits their ability to interact with people and maintain relationships, it could be a cause for worry. This week, we interviewed our Peachey Counselling and Family Support team member, Registered Social Worker, Kate Brockbank, about how to recognize signs of mental illness in children and adolescents.
21st Century Bullying and How It Impacts Our Kids’ Mental Health
Bullying can arise in many ways, from physical to verbal, social to cyber bullying. With the increase in social media, bullying has taken on another face that was quite unexpected, but nonetheless, just as damaging. With the progress of technology, bullying has quickly changed from physical bullying (fights at school) to social/cyberbullying (happening on social media or technology). This week, we interviewed our Peachey Counselling and Family Support team member, Registered Social Worker, Kate Brockbank, about the impact of 21st century bullying on our kids’ mental health.
Self-Esteem Issues in Pre-Teens and Teens
Transitioning from childhood to adolescence is tumultuous time in a young person’s life, with so many developmental and social changes occurring. And, for many 10-18 year old’s, it has become a stressful and often painful experience. This week, we interviewed Registered Social Worker, Kate Brockbank, about the challenges facing pre-teens and teens when it comes to their self-esteem.
Empower your healing.
Looking for more ways to access expert information, practical steps and free mental health resources? Here are some more ways to grow forward through every phase and stage of life.
Wondering what to expect from therapy?
If you’re thinking about starting therapy, this FREE guide can help answer your questions and help relieve any worries…