The Ultimate Self-Care Guide for Moms

Self-care is all about taking intentional steps to care for ourselves.

As moms, we often put ourselves at the bottom of the priority list, especially when it comes to juggling responsibilities at work and home while carrying a heavy mental load. But self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. By making self-care a priority, we can better handle stress, boost our mood, and create a healthier, more fulfilling life for ourselves and those we care about.

Mama, it’s time to care of you…

The Basics

What is self-care?

Self-care refers to the deliberate, proactive and consistent activities we do in order to maintain and enhance our physical, emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. Think of it as the little habits and activities that help us feel balanced and resilient amidst life's chaos. For example, making time for regular exercise, even if it's just a walk around the block while the kids are at practice, or eating nourishing foods that give us energy throughout the day.

Why is self-care important to mental health?

Self-care is essential to mental health because it helps us manage stress, maintain balance, and build resilience. As women, especially mothers, we often put ourselves last, taking care of everyone else first. However, when we neglect our own needs, we can become overwhelmed, anxious, and burnt out.

Self-care activities replenish our energy and uplift our spirits. These small acts of self-nurturing can significantly improve our mood, enhance our ability to cope with daily challenges, and prevent more serious mental health issues. By prioritizing self-care, we not only improve our own well-being but also become better equipped to care for our loved ones.

How does a mom make time for self-care?

As a mom, making time for self-care can feel challenging, but it's crucial for your well-being. Start by recognizing that self-care doesn't have to be time-consuming or elaborate. It can be as simple as waking up a bit earlier to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee, or setting aside 10 minutes for a quick meditation or journaling session.

It’s okay to delegate tasks whenever possible and don't hesitate to ask for help from your partner, family, or friends. Schedule self-care activities like you would any other important appointment, and stick to them. If you have to, involve your children in some of your self-care routines, such as going for a walk together or having a family yoga session. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish—it's necessary for you to be the best version of yourself.

Define What Self-Care Means For You

Self-care will mean something different to different people. For some, self-care is about curling up in bed with a good book. For others, self-care is having a leisurely, quiet coffee in the early morning to help ease them into the day. Whatever, your preferred form of self-care, it’s important to ensure that you are meeting your needs in a healthy and consistent way. Stumped as to where to start?

Here are some self-care ideas for your best self:

Physical wellness

  • Sleep: Getting between 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep (with the aid of a blackout mask, earplugs, setting a regular sleep schedule, etc.)

  • Hydrate: Starting your day with a water instead of coffee or tea and being sure to drink water throughout the day

  • Exercise: Engaging in at least 15 minutes of movement a day

  • Stretch/Yoga: Awakening your body with a full-body stretch or yoga for 10 minutes a day

  • Breakfast: Enjoying a meal rich in fiber and protein to fuel your day

  • Skincare: Following a routine of cleansing, moisturizing and applying sunscreen

  • Get outside: Spending time in nature whenever you can, and being sure to get outside for at least 15 minutes a day

Mental and emotional care

  • Meditation: Allocating 10-15 minutes for mediation or deep breathing every day

  • Journaling: Exploring your feelings, setting intentions, reflecting on experiences within your life by writing in a journal every 1-2 days

  • Affirmations: Practicing self-love and building confidence by displaying or speaking affirmations

  • Unplug: Instead of scrolling through social media (especially at night) replacing that habit with reading a book or journaling


  • Get inspired: Reading, viewing and listening to motivational content

  • Continue to learn: Dedicating time to learning a new skill or hobby

  • Get creative: Finding ways to explore your inner artist (colouring books, making/listening to playlists, woodworking, etc.)

  • Create and review goals: Deciding and adjusting your short-term and long-term plans

Boost your productivity

  • Environment: Keeping your space clutter free and functional

  • Music: Listening to uplifting or tranquil sounds

  • Prioritize: Listing your top three tasks daily

  • Declutter and Organize: Getting rid of the stuff you don’t need and tidying your space for more harmony and less cleaning

  • Purge: Unfollowing and unsubscribing from promotional emails and turning off social media notifications for less distractions

How to Build a Custom Self-Care Kit

A self-care kit is a collection of items designed to promote self-care and well-being and can include a range of tools or products to help you reduce stress, relax and nourish your overall physical, mental and emotional health. Self-care kits should be personalized to cater to your specific needs and preferences. So, just like with your self-care routine, your kit will be different as it’s based on what serves you, what you enjoy and what makes you feel good. So it’s important to try out a range of different products and tools that resonate with you.

Step 1: Gather your essential self-care items

Brainstorm those self-care items, products or tools that bring you joy and comfort. These items can be things you already own, everyday affordable things like music or things you might want to invest in based on your needs and goals.

Here are some examples:

  • Bath/shower products

  • Face/eye products

  • Mani/Pedi products

  • Hair products

  • Portable fan

  • Yoga mat

  • Meditation (app)

  • Sleep (app)

  • Soft throw blankets

  • Comfy, soft socks

  • Book(s) / e-reader

  • Music playlists

  • Podcast playlists

  • Scrapbooking supplies

  • Fav snacks

  • Ear plugs

Step 2: Choose a container for your self-care items

Once you have gathered your self-care items, you will need a container to house them. It can be whatever you have on hand or something fancier, depending on what works best for you. For example, it can be a box, a tote bag, a decorative basket, or a bin. Choose whatever appeals to you and is convenient to carry. But… if you’re looking for your self-care kit to inspire positivity then think about adding some personal touches to your container such as stickers or affirmations to boost your mood.

Step 3: Make it accessible and use it regularly

Once you have created your self-care kit, it’s essential that you keep it somewhere accessible. There’s no point shoving in the back of the closet or somewhere in the garage, because if you can’t see it or it’s too difficult to get through, it will be “out of sight, out of mind” and you’ll never use it regularly.

Making time for your self-care in your daily or weekly routine, or whenever you feel stressed, overwhelmed or in need of a little pick-me-up, is ESSENTIAL. The whole point of your self-care kit is to use it to maintain your overall health and well-being.

Step 4: Update your kit when you need to

Your self-care needs may change over time, so it’s a good idea to periodically update your kit with new items or remove things that you no longer find useful or enjoyable. Regularly reconnect with your self-care kit by going through each item and asking yourself:

  • “Does this item still bring me comfort/joy/nourishment/enjoyment?”

  • “What are the benefits of using this item?”

  • “How does this item impact other areas of my life?”

Example Self-Care Kits

Here are some ideas to get you started:


  • A soothing scented candle or essential oil diffuser (lavender or eucalyptus scents)

  • A comfy sweater or sweatshirt

  • A cozy soft throw or blanket

  • A hot water bottle or massage gun

  • Colouring books and pencil crayons

  • A book

  • A bar of dark chocolate


  • Essential oil diffuser (citrus scents)

  • Comfy robe

  • Epsom salts (bath) or shower bombs

  • Conditioning hair treatment

  • Mani / Pedi supplies

  • Face mask / eye mask

  • A playlist of your fav music

  • Fruit platter


  • Essential oil diffuser (favorite scents)

  • Comfy clothes

  • Yoga mat

  • Breathing exercises (app or video)

  • Meditation (app)

  • Journal

  • A playlist of soothing music / nature sounds

  • Mixed nuts / veggies / dip(s)


Ultimate Self-Care Weekend/Staycation

Every mom deals with not having enough self-care time, and especially if you have young children, you may not be able to take the time needed for yourself on a daily (or even weekly) basis. In those cases, it may be worthwhile arranging a self-care weekend or staycation (in the privacy and comfort of your home). This could happen once a month, quarterly or on a yearly basis. Speak to your partner, family and friends and ask for their help to give you this precious time alone to reflect, relax and recharge.

Friday Evening: Unwind and Set Intentions

  • Digital Detox: Start your weekend right by unplugging. Turn off your notifications and let your mind decompress from the week's hustle.

  • Relaxing Bath: Soak in a warm bath infused with Epsom salts and a few drops of lavender essential oil to soothe your muscles and calm your mind.

  • Journaling: Reflect on the week and set your intentions for the weekend. What do you want to achieve with this time for yourself?

Saturday Morning: Energize and Nourish

  • Yoga Session: Stretch and strengthen your body with a gentle Yoga session, focusing on core strength and alignment to energize your morning.

  • Nutritious Breakfast: Whip up a nourishing breakfast of Greek yogurt, fresh berries, honey, chia seeds, and your fav beverage to fuel your day.

  • Gratitude List: While enjoying your breakfast, write down three things you're grateful for today, cultivating a habit of appreciation.

Saturday Midday: Personal Growth

  • Educational Podcast: Listen to a podcast on a topic that interests you, expanding your knowledge and sparking inspiration.

  • Creative Time: Spend some time on a creative hobby or start a new one… whether it's painting, writing, or crafting.

  • Healthy Lunch: Prepare your favorite salad.

Saturday Afternoon: Active Outdoors

  • Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors. The simplicity of nature can help restore your spiritual balance.

  • Practice Gratitude: Start or end your day by listing things you're grateful for. Gratitude shifts your focus from what's missing to what's present.

Saturday Evening: Relax and Rejuvenate

  • Read a Book: Unwind with a book that you find uplifting or motivating.

  • At-Home Spa: Treat yourself to an at-home spa evening with face masks, body scrubs, and moisturizers.

Sunday Morning: Reflect and Prepare

  • Yoga Session: Start your day with a yoga session to center your thoughts and stretch your body.

  • Vision Board: Create a vision board for the coming months. Use magazines, prints, and any other materials that inspire you.

Sunday Midday: Socialize and Savor

  • Meet a Friend: Have lunch with a friend.

  • Explore Local Events: Check out a local exhibition, market, or workshop that interests you.

  • A quick Sunday reset: Set a timer and do a quick tidy up.

Sunday Evening: Plan and Prioritize

  • Upcoming Week Planning: Spend some time organizing your upcoming week. Prioritize tasks and set out your outfit and meals to save time and reduce stress.

  • Early Night: End your day with an early night to ensure you start the week rested.


Self-care is necessary for our everyday lives, no matter how big or small the action is. It is not a luxury—it's a necessity.

Mama, you can make a conscious effort to prioritize your mental health by incorporating self-care into your daily routine. Taking care of yourself is the first step towards a happier, healthier you. By doing so, you'll not only enhance your well-being but you’ll also equip yourself with the resilience and energy needed to thrive.

Whatever it is, we’re here for you.

Life is uncertain. Jobs are stressful. Parenting is hard. Relationships take work. Families can be dysfunctional. And sometimes, love hurts. When you’re confronted by feelings, events, or issues that are making your life challenging, it’s okay to ask for some help.

Contact us for a free consultation


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