Voice of the Child Reports

Ensure that your child(ren) are heard.
What is a voice of the child report?
When parents separate or divorce, decisions need to be made that will have a significant impact on their children. Finding ways to include children’s thoughts and preferences can sometimes be part of the decision making process – referred to as the Voice of the Child Report.
We can help you resolve your issues in a healthier, more constructive way.
We offer IN-PERSON counselling sessions at one of our two locations: Burlington, Ontario or Oakville Ontario.
We also offer VIRTUAL counselling sessions either by secure VIDEO or by PHONE.
414 Pearl Street, Unit 11
Village Square, Burlington, ON L7R 2N1OAKVILLE
775 Pacific Road, Unit 34
Oakville, ON L6L 6M4 -
FEES: $275+ CDN per hour*
PLEASE NOTE: Voice of the Child Reports generally require approximately 10 hours to complete depending on various factors.
Many extended health benefit programs will cover the cost of counselling with a Registered Social Worker. Please check with your insurance provider.
Additionally, services provided by a Registered Social Worker are tax deductible as a medical expense.
“Having a parent that listens creates a child who believes he or she has a voice that matters in this world.”
A Voice of the Child Report may be ordered by a judge when there is a contentious matter involving parenting or, it may be requested by either of the parents involved. Such a report provides information about what the child thinks about his or her life and the issues in dispute between their parents to the court to assist in the decision making the process.
The clinician’s role is to ascertain the independent views and preferences of the child and to provide these views in a formal report to the court.
PLEASE NOTE: A Voice of the Child Report may be prepared by a lawyer, social worker, psychologist or counsellor. Unlike a report by the Office of the Children’s Lawyer or a Section 30 Parenting Plan Assessment this report is non-therapeutic and does not usually contain the professional’s opinion. This report is intended to simply inform the judge about the views of the child. The child’s views, as expressed in the report, are then considered by the judge.
What is the goal of the report?
Generally, children have better relationships with their families when they believe their voices are heard.
Determining whether or how the court hears a child’s voice is dependent on many factors but parents who hear the views and preferences of the children involved may develop a more child-focused perspective and this can result in less conflict and more agreement.
Are more affordable than parenting plan (custody access) assessments and can be completed more quickly
They are less intrusive because they are not clinical
Judges say these reports make their jobs easier and either shorten the length of trial or contribute to an early settlement
Most importantly, this provides an opportunity to the child to say what is and is not important to them
We’re here to help your family through this difficult transition.
We are one of a handful of professionals - in our region - who offer therapeutic support for families who need guidance navigating separation, divorce and co-parenting. The specialized services we offer are uniquely designed with healthy family relationships in mind.
Our specialized separation, divorce and co-parenting services are provided by Registered Social Worker and Accredited Family Mediator, Stefanie Peachey and specially trained members of our therapy team. Each member has their own specialties and experience and has been carefully selected to ensure that the right level of expertise and commitment is here for you.