Parenting Plan Assessments (Sec. 30)

You can keep the best interests of your kid(s) in focus.
What is a parenting plan assessment?
A parenting plan assessment, or a Section 30 Report, (formerly known as a custody and access assessment) is a report prepared by an expert, called an assessor, to determine the best interests of the child in terms of parental decision making and parenting time (formerly custody and access).
We can help you resolve your issues in a healthier, more constructive way.
We offer IN-PERSON counselling sessions at one of our two locations: Burlington, Ontario or Oakville Ontario.
We also offer VIRTUAL counselling sessions either by secure VIDEO or by PHONE.
414 Pearl Street, Unit 11
Village Square, Burlington, ON L7R 2N1OAKVILLE
775 Pacific Road, Unit 34
Oakville, ON L6L 6M4 -
FEES: $250 CDN +HST per hour
We are happy to offer reduced rate assessments at $150/hour. Please contact us.
Additional fees can include travel time, mileage and administrative costs.
PLEASE NOTE: Parenting Plan Assessments generally require approximately 40-50+ hours to complete depending on various factors.
Many extended health benefit programs will cover the cost of working with a Registered Social Worker. Please check with your insurance provider.
Additionally, services provided by a Registered Social Worker may be tax deductible as a medical expense.
“The well-being and welfare of children should always be our focus.”
Most parents can come to an agreement on parenting arrangements on their own, through counsel or with the assistance of a mediator. However, there are some families who cannot come to an agreement and need the direction of the court.
This assessment is typically court ordered* under Section 30 of the Children’s Law Reform Act when parents are unable to agree on parenting issues or the welfare of the child(ren) are in question. The purpose of an assessment is to garner the observations and opinions of a qualified professional who will use this information to make recommendations in a formal report regarding the post-separation decision making and parenting time of the child(ren).
This assessment gives the judge independent evidence about your child's wishes or what is in their best interests.
PLEASE NOTE: The circumstances vary but generally when a Parenting Plan Assessment is ordered by a judge, it typically involves serious clinical concerns such as the mental health of the child, parental alienation, or a concern that one or both parents are unable to care appropriately for the child(ren). Most often these families are generally characterized by high inter-parental conflict and can include additional stressors such as mental health issues, substance abuse, domestic violence or child maltreatment, further complicating the family dynamic.
What is the role of the assessor?
The role of the assessor is to put the needs of the child first - they do not advocate or align themselves with one parent or the other.
Parenting Plan assessors can be psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, or mental health professionals. The assessor speaks with you, your partner, your child(ren), and other important adults in your child(ren)'s life such as teachers, doctors, new partners, and relatives. They observe how your child interacts with you and your partner and use a process that involves a series of clinical judgments to serve as the basis for their assessment. They put all this information into a report and make a recommendation to the court on based on what they think is best for your child(ren).
PLEASE NOTE: Although the assessor may make a recommendation, the parties involved and the court make the final decision regarding a Parenting Plan.
We’re here to help your family through this difficult transition.
We are one of a handful of professionals - in our region - who offer therapeutic support for families who need guidance navigating separation, divorce and co-parenting. The specialized services we offer are uniquely designed with healthy family relationships in mind.
Our specialized separation, divorce and co-parenting services are provided by Registered Social Worker and Accredited Family Mediator, Stefanie Peachey and specially trained members of our therapy team. Each member has their own specialties and experience and has been carefully selected to ensure that the right level of expertise and commitment is here for you.