Are You a Hoarder?

Take the Quiz!

Take some time to get comfortable in a quiet space so you can reflect carefully on the following questions. Answer truthfully and keep track of your answers.

Please note that this quiz is not intended to diagnose hoarding disorder, but can be used as a tool for self-reflection and awareness. If you suspect that you or a loved one may be displaying hoarding behavior, it is important to seek professional help from a mental health provider.


  1. Do you find it difficult to part with possessions, even if they have little or no value?

  2. Do you have difficulty organizing your possessions, leading to clutter and disorganization in your living spaces?

  3. Do you avoid inviting guests to your home because of the clutter and disorganization?

  4. Do you feel strong emotions, such as anxiety or distress, when thinking about discarding possessions?

  5. Have your possessions caused problems with your relationships, work, or daily activities?

  6. Do you have a strong emotional attachment to possessions, such as feeling like they have personal significance or emotional value?

  7. Do you feel overwhelmed by the thought of decluttering or getting rid of possessions?

  8. Have you acquired more possessions than you have space to store them?

  9. Are you in debt or financial difficulty because of your accumulation of items?

  10. Has the amount of possessions you own, impacted your physical space to the point where there are safety concerns?



  • If you answered "yes" to 1-2 questions, you may have some tendencies towards clutter, but it is not necessarily indicative of hoarding behavior.

  • If you answered "yes" to 3-4 questions, you may have some symptoms of hoarding behavior that could benefit from intervention.

  • If you answered "yes" to 5 or more questions, you may be displaying significant symptoms of hoarding behavior and should seek professional help.


It’s important to remember that compulsive hoarding is a mental health disorder and that recovery from hoarding disorder is a process that requires a professional diagnosis and treatment… and that treatment will take time and effort.


Whatever it is, we’re here for you.

Life is uncertain. Jobs are stressful. Parenting is hard. Relationships take work. Families can be dysfunctional. And, sometimes love hurts. When you’re confronted by feelings, events, or issues that are making your life challenging, it’s okay to ask for some help.

Contact us for a free consultation


The Five Stages of Hoarding


Is it Clutter, or Are You a Hidden Hoarder?