Are you the parent of a teen who struggles with managing their emotions and behaviours?
Raising a teenager is hard, but being a teen these days is much harder. The numbers are staggering… 70% of mental health problems have their onset during childhood or adolescence with an estimated 1.2 million children and youth in Canada being affected by mental illness.
Adolescents can develop the same mental health conditions as adults, but their symptoms may be difficult and hard for parents to identify. Normal adolescent development is a process that involves continual change and they may not be able to explain how they feel or why they are behaving in a certain way.
We’re here to help you and your teen through this difficult stage.
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy or DBT, is an evidence-based model of therapy that helps individuals learn new skills and strategies to build healthier and more-fulfilling lives.
In DBT, people are taught two seemingly opposite strategies: acceptance (that their experiences and behaviours are valid) and change (that they have to make positive changes to manage emotions and move forward in a healthy way.)
Not only are personal skills taught in DBT, but skills for interpersonal relationships are also emphasized.
DBT skills training is facilitated by a skills therapist in a group format similar to a class.
The primary goal is to introduce effective and practical skills which are meant to replace other unhealthy and negative behaviours.
Exercises are provided for participants to practice the new skills taught between sessions, so when challenged in the future, they are able to cope in a healthier way.
Mindfulness Skills: Participants will learn to be more aware of their thoughts and feelings, learn how to observe thoughts nonjudgmentally, and be more connected with the present moment.
Distress Tolerance Skills: Participants will be provided with a variety of strategies for more effective crisis management and being more accepting of things that cannot be changed.
Emotion Regulation Skills: Participants will learn how to manage emotions by using strategies for increasing emotional awareness, decreasing emotional vulnerabilities, and changing how one addresses unwanted emotions.
Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills: Participants will learn how to be more effective in asking for what they want to build more meaningful relationships, and foster a healthier self-esteem as they do so.
DBT Skills
Group for Teens (Ages 13-17)
This group is for teens who experience significant trouble managing their emotions, thoughts and behaviors. As well as those that struggle with any or all of the following:
– Impulsive / disruptive behaviours
– Frequent mood swings
– Self-harm / injurious behaviours
– Depression and anxiety
– Family and peer conflict
– Anger outbursts
– Poor coping skills
– In-Person, group program
– Requires Individual Intake Session*
– 9 weeks**
– 1.5 hour sessions
– Max. 12 participants
Individual Intake Sessions must be completed prior to the start of the program. Parents will book a 1 hour appointment (either virtually or in-person) with one of the group facilitators. This session will explore:
– Teen suitability for the group
– Concerns of the teen / caregiver
– Goals of the teen / caregiver
– Limits of confidentiality
– Any questions or concerns
This group program takes place over a period of 9 weeks. The schedule is as follows:
WEEK 1: Orientation / Intro to DBT and Mindfulness
WEEKS 2-4: Skills Training and Topic Discussions
WEEK 5: Parent Night (no Teen Group)
WEEKS 6-9: Skills Training and Topic Discussions
Group Facilitators:
Lisa Burkart BA, BSW, MSW, RSW
Lisa is a Registered Social Worker who specializes in child and adolescent mental health issues including generalized and social anxiety, depression, OCD, emotional regulation, self-harm and more.
Victoria Kulchytska BSW, MSW, RSW
Victoria is a Registered Social Worker who specializes in working with individuals and families who are challenged by the impacts of trauma, family conflict and life transitions.
We provide a safe and non-judgmental space for teens to express what their feeling.
Topics Discussed:
Understanding, managing and regulating emotions
Increasing self-awareness, leaning to manage situations that require emotional control, and developing a flexible mindset that allows one to recognize alternative points of view
Learning to communicate their needs clearly and cultivate healthy self-esteem
Learning to tolerate crisis and distress without making problems worse
Increasing problem-solving skills, including learning how to effectively manage differences of opinion with others
Creating and maintaining healthy relationships
Learning to set healthy boundaries with friends and other relationships
The group will additionally explore topics around healthy relationships, anxiety, depression, body image and school stressors and worries
9 week group program
*Each participant must first attend an individual intake session, billed at the cost of a regular therapist session of $170 CDN.